Serving in Worship
The church word that best describes the order of our worship is liturgy, which means, “work of the people.” When we gather to pray and praise God’s name it is hardly passive. We expect to work, to pray, to sing, and to give. In many cases those ‘working’ jobs in worship are assigned.
Worship Leader Guide– This guide outlines the duties and responsibilities for each role during worship.
They include:
Acolytes: 3rd graders and up who start our worship off by bringing Christ’s light to our space.
Altar Guild: The people behind the scenes before, between, and after worship services setting up for communion and arranging other details.
Assisting Ministers: Worship leaders who lead us in prayer and song.
Communion Assistants: Those who help distribute the sacrament each week.
Lectors: The individual who reads the Bible readings for the day.
Prayer Leader: The one who offers up our prayers of intercession on behalf of the congregation.
Usher: Pairs/teams of individuals who assist with the collection of offering and flow during communion.
Greeter: The folks who welcome everyone to worship, distribute worship bulletins, and greet our visitors and guests
Coffee Hour: Those who provide light refreshments between 9:30 and 10:30am.
Children’s Church: Those who educate our elementary age children and younger on the mornings bible stories during worship.
Coffee Hour: Those who provide light refreshments between 9:30 and 10:30am.
AV/Tech: Those who manage the TV slides during worship so that all members can follow along in prayers and song.
To express interest in serving in any of these rolls please contact the church office or fill out a “Time and Talent Survey” located on the shelf in the parish hall. To see if you’ve been assigned to one of these roles lately, please find the duty roster in the Newsletter Area.