7-12th Grade Winter Retreat
All HOPE Youth in 7-12th grade and their friends in 7-12th grade are invited to Hope’s Winter Retreat at Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center. Departing after school on Friday, March 7th and returning on Sunday, March 9th at noon, our youth will enjoy a time of worship, games, study, sledding and so much more! The cost is $125 and includes lodging, meals, program costs and swag! Scholarships are available- Contact Pastor Shawn for assistance.

Hope Youth is Hope’s Ministry opportunity for 5th-12th Graders to get together for fellowship, faith formation and leadership development. A typical night of Youth Group involves relationship building through games of all kinds(ping pong, kickball, sledding, wii bowling sardines, etc.) and a time for prayer, reflection or devotion. This ministry is lead by Pastor Shawn Hannon, his wife Carol, and youth advisers. All are welcome we just ask that you bring a positive attitude.
COST: $2/child
PIZZA is served during Hope YG. Those interested in eating, should bring $1 per slice.
First time attendees need to fill out a Contact & Code of Conduct Form.
Don’t miss anything relating to Hope Youth:
Text “@hopeyg23” to the number 81010 for text alerts. or click HERE.
Other opportunities for faith formation for this age group include: Confirmation Class, church leadership, worship roles,
service projects and more!

Hope KIDZ is Hope’s Ministry opportunity for UPK-4th Graders to come for fun, friends and faith. A typical night of Hope KIDZ involves running, playing, and praying! This ministry is lead by Pastor Shawn Hannon along with youth advisers. All are welcome we just ask that you bring a positive attitude.
COST: $2/child
PIZZA is served during Hope KIDZ. Those interested in eating, should bring $1 per slice.
First time attendees need to fill out a Contact & Code of Conduct Form.
Don’t miss anything relating to Hope KIDZ: Text “@hopekidz23” to the number 81010 for text alerts or click HERE.
Other opportunities for faith formation for this age group include: Communion Instruction(2nd grade), church leadership, worship roles,
service projects and more!

You can make an online donation to Hope Youth here. Donations support staffing, materials and resources for Hope Youth Group and Hope KIDZ programming.
Hope Kidz & Youth Group Code of Conduct
Ground Rules:
1. Be respectful. Show respect for everyone by your actions and words.
2. Be welcoming & kind. We are all God’s children! Help make Hope KIDZ/Youth Group a place where anyone feels welcome, safe and respected.
3. Participate and have a positive attitude. To get the most out of your KIDZ/Youth Group experience, participate in the planned programs with a positive attitude.
4. Respect the facilities of Hope Lutheran Church. Help keep our church and all resources clean and in good condition.
5. Be a role model: Your actions are a reflection on you, your family and our church. By being mature and responsible you are acting as a role model for others.
6. NO Bullying | NO drugs | NO alcohol | NO tobacco | NO weapons
While we do not anticipate significant behavioral issues, should they arise they will be handled appropriately by the staff person in charge in conversation with the pastor. Generally speaking, consequences will take the following shape:
1. Verbal Warning.
2. Temporary removal from activity.
3. Daily removal from programming.
4. Suspension and parental meeting.