Target and Transformation

A few weeks ago my wife and I went shopping at Target. We arrived at the store on a mission. We had five things on our list, and wanted to get out before we found ten things to buy.  We split up. I headed for the cleaning supplies as she headed for the diapers.  Like … [Read more…]

Characters and Coveting

There’s a growing craze on the internet this days.  Its creator is a website called Zimbio, and chances are, even if you haven’t heard of it, you’ve seen its work on your facebook newsfeed.  Zimbio makes the “Which Character of ________ Are You?” quizzes.  You know the ones. Which Disney Villain Are You? Which Star Trek Character Are … [Read more…]

Finding Fullness by Forsaking the Fight

When my daughter, Quinn, was diagnosed with a couple of allergies it didn’t take us long to determine where she got them.  Some people say that sneezes come in threes.  Well, for me, sneezes come in thirteens.  Allergies have always been a part of my life, and I’ve always told myself the same thing: “What’s … [Read more…]

Your Invitation to Start

  John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech in February of 1961 may have ended with a bold dare (“Ask not…”), but it started with a far more simple observation. He started by saying, “The world is very different now.” I think the voices of the great individuals who have led the church through these last many … [Read more…]

A Cemetery Named Hope

“But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have died.”  -1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 Every time I drive … [Read more…]

Grandma’s GPS

At a wedding last weekend I showed up 30 minutes late for the rehearsal.  Now, I’m not the most punctual person, but when it comes to events that include other people I like to think I’m above average.  Needless to say, I was embarrassed.  My shame was relieved a little bit, however, when I realized … [Read more…]


When my wife, Carol, first fell in love with our house it was from 800 miles away over the internet. She loved the big wrap around porch, the openness and flow from the kitchen to the living area, but mostly, she loved the age. You see, she has a thing for old houses. Our house on Park Street … [Read more…]

When Mommy Equals Please

My daughter, Quinn, is at the exciting age where her baby babbling is becoming coherent speech.  She can tell us when she wants something “more” to eat, and when she is “all done.”  She lets us know what sounds doggies, cows, and lions make.  She can “go,” “jump,” and “dance.”  She’s even been known to … [Read more…]