God: The Rehab Addict

I’ve never lived in a house built more recently than 1920. Sure there were a few college dorm rooms or apartments along the way, but every place I’ve ever called home has been home to many people before me.  Maybe that’s why I’m so drawn to the HGTV Show “Rehab Addict.” The host, Nicole Curtis, … [Read more…]

True Christmas Giving

I love Christmas, but it’s not like I had another choice. Christmas in the Hannon house growing up was both magical and extravagant. But of all the things that made Christmas great, I’d be lying if I said one thing didn’t stand out above the rest. I’m sure you can guess it… Presents! (What’d you … [Read more…]

God Acts. We Thank. We RESPOND.

            If you can get past the ever growing aisles of Christmas decorations and listen through the carols that have already snuck into our radios, you can see Thanksgiving is all around us. School children are creating construction paper buckle hats and feather headdresses, moms are posting “thanksgiving challenges” on their newsfeeds, … [Read more…]

This Old House. This Old Faith.

            It happened nearly a year ago that I finished renovating every room in my family’s century old home. Every wall. Every floor. Every light fixture and ceiling. Everything. And it felt great to be done.             But someone’s going to have to explain something to me.  If I finished my … [Read more…]

Wanting to be Afraid

            What are you afraid of? I used to be afraid of what lurked under my bed. Full disclosure: I still won’t let any of my limbs protrude from surface of the bed top at night. I’m petrified of snakes. And for about the last two and half years I’ve had … [Read more…]

Miles vs. Milestones

As I sit here and write this reflection I feel compelled to admit something I have made great efforts to avoid. But since my best attempts have failed and reality has set in for me (like it or not), you might as well be in on it too. Today I turned 30 years old. Now … [Read more…]

Above It All

As I write this I am sitting over the wing of a Detla flight heading from Buffalo to Atlanta.  You’ll forgive me if this article sounds a bit snoodier than you are accustomed to from me, but remember: I’m currently above it all. When I walked on the plane this afternoon a very lovely woman … [Read more…]

Enjoying Your Lot

Throughout our nearly 6 years of marriage and sharing a home my wife has learned many things about me, but perhaps none more important this: I’m an angry cleaner.  I do not say that with any amount of pride.  It’s merely a confession.  Maybe it’s the thirteen thousand bobby pins Carol leaves around the house … [Read more…]

Thank You, Food. Amen.

Dinnertime at the Hannon household is usually exciting. Quinn, you see, is a huge fan of early bird specials. By 4:30pm she’s hungry, and by 5pm she’s letting us know it. That means dinner hits the table exceptionally early. When you couple that with a schedule that keeps me running out in the evenings to … [Read more…]