Given our heritage as a reforming church, we continue to look for how God is working in the church today.  We know that the church is as imperfect as the people that embody it.  But we also know that God is reforming the church in the same way God is working on each of us.

As a church that was born out of a monk’s wrestling with tough questions, we continue to see ourselves as a people who can make space for the gray in a not-so-black-and-white world.  While there are things we know to be certain, like salvation through Jesus, we know that life presents many questions that are difficult, if not impossible, for us to answer.  We do not believe God calls us to have all of the right answers, but we do believe that God calls us to reflect critically on how each helps us in our understanding of who he is and in our longing to do his will.

Lastly, Lutheranism started when Martin Luther was willing to abandon the established practices of the church to get back to the heart of our faith, that is, that God’s love is demonstrated for us in Jesus and revealed to us through his Word. We are a people who value practices that help us live our faith, but who keep what is most important central.